Frequently asked questions.

How long does the Stroll N Tow take to install?

Initial installation takes about fifteen minutes, including the bike component and the stroller bracket base. Once those two pieces are put in place, the Stroll N Tow takes under one minute to connect the bike and the stroller.

Is it safe?

The Stroll N Tow is as safe as any bicycle trailer or jogging stroller. We as parents and good human beings recommend practicing your best judgement. Children must always be strapped securely into the stroller and helmets must be used at all times.

Does it really work with all strollers?

When we say all strollers, we mean all three-wheel jogging strollers. The tires of the stroller need to be durable enough to handle the bumpy ground at a bicycling speed. We recommend using any jogging stroller with pneumatic tires, thick tread, and safety straps for your child.

For compatibility, our product comes with multiple stroller brackets to ensure the perfect fit.

Will the bracket on the stroller interfere with everyday use?

Once installed, the bracket on the stroller can remain in place causing zero interference with every day use. It will not affect the steering, speed, or maneuverability.